Saturday, October 22, 2011

Wednesday Addams doll

 I made this doll in, like two hours, for a Wednesday Addams costume, I might wear for my anime/gamer club.
I had to tie the doll head to the body by her hair, which is dark blue because I didn't have any black. I used felt for the body and dress, and I stuffed it with an old tee-shirt.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Polymer clay Scarecrow

I made this scare crow guy about two years ago; I've gotten a little better since then, but I like him. I made little yellow snakes of straw coming out of his gloves and boots. The corn is my favorite part.
Tell me what you think. ^,^

Polymer Clay Ghost

 I used white, orange and dark green polymer clay; and black seed beads for the eyes. I had to put a small ball of clay on his butt so he would stay upright. I used a "scalpel," thing to cut out their smiles, and mark the grooves on the pumpkin.
I need to cook him a little more because we ran out of foil; here's a little tip: wax paper should not be used when cooking polymer clay, it makes a lot of smoke and it smells very bad.
This is a better shot of the Jack O'Lantern face.

Tell me what you think.

~Blessed Be!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Halloween Costumes

Today, I got a catalog from a party store. In it, were costumes for children, kids, teens and adults. I expect the costumes for adult women and teenage girls to be slutty, I did not expect the costumes for the little girls to be so slutty. Almost all of the costumes for the girls ages 8-13, have super-short skirts and high heeled shoes! Now, I don't have any kids, but I wonder what kind of parent would let their little girl dress like a whore?! And what's even worse, everyday clothes for little girls are getting slutty, shorter skirts, no sleeves, flip-flops with heels and glitter! And I know it is kind of hard to find, not slutty costumes; but it isn't very hard to make non-slutty costumes....or at least make your tween to teenage daughter wait until she's 16/17 to start dressing like a hooker! (Just my opinion, I guess)

Another quick thing, also about costumes. Why is it that costumes for adults are either completely slutty or completely stupid?
"So my choices for Halloween costume are sexy nun, or a ketchup bottle?"
Some of the title of these costumes are equal to porn titles; for example:
 Referee = Racy referee, girl scout = Don't touch my cookie, pilot = Mile high captain, Mario = Perky plumber, alien = Lust in space, SWAT officer = Sultry SWAT officer, and my favorite - Pocahontas = Pocahottie....and the list goes on with sexy this, babe that. Come on people! Halloween shouldn't be about having indiscriminate sex with a person because they're wearing a mask. Halloween should be a day of fun and a night of memories.