Sunday, July 8, 2012

A Spell for Harmonious Living (Roomate Spell)

So, I'm moving to Utah next month for college, and I keep worrying about how my room mates will be. So I've decided on a preemptive strike. I wrote this spell yesterday, and I plan on doing it next full moon.

Goal: To create harmonious living conditions with room/house mates.
Tools: 1 white candle, 1 quartz crystal to amplify energy (it's not necessary, but I like quartz), peppermint, clove and allspice (a pinch each burned in the cauldron or sprinkled round the circle), Draw on three small pieces of paper in brown or pink crayon or pencil; a hedgehog, an elk, and a snail.

Light the candle and have the drawings near by and say:

I call upon Concordia, to bring harmony between myself and the ones I live with.
I offer an elk (burn the drawing of the elk in the cauldron)
    So that we can observe each others energy and respond in kindness.
I offer a snail (burn drawing of snail)
    So that we can be patient with each other.
I offer a hedgehog (burn drawing of hedgehog)
    So that we can avoid any chaos that night come from anger, fear or misunderstandings.
Grant me this wish of harmony, so that we might live in peace together.
As I ask it, so mote it be.

(Finish your works, open the circle, then bury the ashes of the pictures outside.)

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