Friday, July 6, 2012

Letting go, and getting rid of

My family has moved to a new place every year or two since I was ten, so I've become an expert at cleaning a house well enough in order to get the deposit back. But, I have yet to learn how to get rid of things I don't need. Eventually, I have to have my mom or sister come into my room and get rid of a lot of things that I would rather keep.
Now, I'm not a hoarder, but it's gotten pretty close a few times. My biggest weakness is my books. I would rather go naked than not have my books! But, all of my books probably weigh a couple hundred pounds!
I also have several things with sentimental value, but no real purpose or use. For example, I have an awesome turtle shaped lamp that my grandma gave me...but I never use it, and it doesn't give off much light, and I'm sure my grandma couldn't care less if I got rid of it (she probably doesn't even remember giving it to me!)
I also have an eight piece music box collection, which is totally worthless to anyone but myself, and I don't even wind them up anymore.
My trouble lies in that I love my stuff. And I hate that I love my stuff. I don't like being attached to things that I probably bought at the dollar store!
Since I'm moving to Utah soon, I have to leave a lot of stuff with my family, which they will have to get rid of or keep when they move. Even worse, I have to leave my pagan stuff with my non-pagan family!
You see my predicament, I either have to get rid of my stuff, or risk exposure to my family.

I think I will have to ask my little brother to be my room cleaner when the time comes for them to move. My brother knows about me, so maybe he won't throw out the wrong things.
Or hopefully, I will learn to let go of THINGS, and just remember the memories and feelings that went with them.

...Sorry for venting, but I feel like I understand stuff better.
(or maybe I'll just keep my books and have my parents sell everything else.)

Blessed Be.

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