Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Lammas Ritual (With Help from Mrs. B)

Ok, so this was the first time that I could actually celebrate a Sabbat...ever. My mom was going to be out, and I would be alone in the house for a few hours.
I looked a quick solitary ritual for Lammas,
 I prepared a lot of the stuff last night and a few days before.
I have my Books of Shadows, a bowl of an apple cut in half, and a hamburger bun. Also a bottle of Bom Dia Coconut Splash Tropical Mango drink, which is strange at first, but it tastes better the more you drink it.
I have a bowl of water and a bowl of salt, two tall candles for the Goddess and God, and around the circle are four small tea lights.
Also I have a glow and the dark jelly fish thingy, a plaster gnome that I painted. A Wand from a tree from the yard of a house where I used to live. There is also a hag stone from La Jolla, and a volcanic crystal, as well as a Pentacle and a tree of life, I made a while ago. And several rocks and crystals.

My foods, salt, gnome, jelly fish, wand and God Candle.
 My Goddess candle, water, rocks/crystal, seeds, cauldron, and a book of shadows with a jingle bell bracelet used instead of a bell.
Shot of the front of my altar.

It's like 100 degrees, so I tried to do it quickly, I was dripping sweat by the time I was through and for about 1/2 and hour afterwards.
Also its kind of windy so my candles wouldn't stay lit.
So despite all of the difficulties, I feel that it went well.
I cast the circle, and asked the Gods to join me, I performed the ritual by Mrs. B.
I threw some seeds around as the grain threshing ritual.
I performed the two friendship spells I posted a week or two ago. And then I thanked the Gods, closed the circle and cleaned up.
I hope everything works out.
I plan on mediating in the moonlight tonight that comes through my bedroom window, in lee of performing an Esbat, as all of my family will be home.

Blessed be and Happy Lammas, y'all.

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