Monday, January 23, 2012

Prayer/Chant Beads

 Hey, finally a post! I haven't made much these past few weeks and I'd like to try to make more as I get used to my new schedule.

Anyway, I made these prayer beads for three reasons.
1) I've always like prayer beads, and wanted some that weren't filled with energy from another religion.
2) The long bead kind of looks like a Goddess figure, and I haven't been able to use it for anything else.
3) I saw these, and I just wanted to make my own. 

Oh, and I finally have a "real" pentacle, that I can wear everyday, and my parents won't freak. And I think it looks like a fun piece of jewelery, so no one would know.
I say "real" because I don't think it was specifically made as a pentacle, it just looks like one; but I really like it.
Also, I added the tigers eye and leaf thing because it was only a little gold bead before, and I thought that it looked ugly.

Thanks for looking, Blessed Be.

1 comment:

  1. Everything is so pretty! Where did you get the pentacle from? :D
