Friday, May 20, 2011


I know the Wiccan soldier gravestone pentacle is an old story, but I have some thoughts.

Being a daughter of a soldier (non-wiccan) I have mixed feelings about the government. I feel that the government should not have a say in what goes onto someone's headstone; as they are dead and technically no longer a citizen of the United States.  And while technically the government "owns" soldiers while they are alive, they are no longer in charge of them when they are dead.
And even if the soldier is buried in a government cemetery (Arlington National Cemetery) they should not have a say in the gravestone, even if they are paying for the gravestone, (every soldier should get a free headstone when they sign up, it's grim, but headstones are expensive.)

I feel that graves are really for the people we leave behind, a reminder that someone was once there.
And the government needs to mind their own broken budget business.

Blessed Be!

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